Emma Gresser

Global Corporate Responsibility Manager, Ernst & Young (EY)

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. 

Pablo Picasso

Emma is part of Ernst & Young (EY)’s global communications and marketing team. In this role, she works closely with EY sustainability leaders to create opportunities for EY professionals to upskill and engage in sustainability, support the design and delivery of services to help EY clients achieve their sustainability agenda, and lead EY’s environmental strategy.  

Within her professional community, Emma is part of the Young Professionals Advisory Board at DePaul University’s College of Communication and the Emerging Leaders Committee at The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations. 

Previously, she was a member of EY’s americas talent communications team and supported initiatives including corporate responsibility, diversity, equity and inclusiveness, sustainability, and wellbeing. In Washington, DC, Emma volunteered with American University’s National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) Division 1 swim program, the Junior League of Washington, the Washington Women in Public Relations Board of Directors and the Washington Ballet. She also supported So Others Might Eat (SOME)’s spring campaign to fundraise on behalf of the Young Professionals Network. 

Emma earned a Master of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising from DePaul University before moving to Washington. While attending classes, she worked full-time as an account coordinator at Allison+Partners, a global public relations agency. 

A proud Ohioan, Emma grew up in Akron, Ohio, and earned an NCAA Division 1 scholarship to study and swim at the University of Cincinnati. She studied communication with focuses on public relations and journalism and swam the 200 butterfly, 400 individual medley and 1650, better known as “the mile.” Many of the skills Emma gained as a student-athlete are applied to her career today: accountability, leadership, resiliency and time management.