Sarah Dougherty

Sarah Dougherty

Account Director, Content Specialist, The Bliss Group 

Spoon feeding, in the long run, teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.

E.M. Forster

Sarah G. Dougherty is an account director and content specialist based in New York City at The Bliss Group, an integrated communications agency focused on healthcare, financial and professional services. At Bliss, Sarah drives key professional services accounts and helps lead the firm-wide learning and development program. She previously was a senior associate at New York Life Insurance Co. for several years, where she helped run the core insurance and retirement businesses earned and owned media strategy. Sarah also co-founded the company’s national young professionals group. Before joining New York Life in 2018, Sarah served clients in corporate, financial, and crisis areas at BCW Global (then Burson-Marsteller; soon-to-be BURSON.) She served as vice president of career services on the 2016-2017 national committee of the Public Relations Student Society of America and is currently part of The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations Emerging Leaders Committee. 

Sarah is a two-time graduate of the University of Alabama. In 2017 she earned a B.A. in communication, cum laude, with majors in public relations and Spanish and a global studies certificate from the College of Communication and Information Sciences (C&IS). She was named the Barban Scholar by C&IS and the 2017 Outstanding Senior by the National Alumni Association; these awards recognize students who have consistently demonstrated exceptional achievement and personal character and whose contributions to UA exemplify the spirit of tradition and high potential in their future career field. In spring 2022, Sarah earned an M.A. in advertising and public relations as part of the Marketing Communication Management Program through C&IS and UA Online. She worked as an adjunct instructor, teaching PR Writing online for C&IS undergraduates. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys testing out the best fries in the city (Monkey Bar or Café Colette), running through Central Park, or hosting a book club.