Geoff Curtis

Geoff Curtis is the founder of Marshall Curtis Communications and former executive vice president, corporate affairs, and chief communications officer at Horizon Therapeutics. During his nearly 30-year healthcare communications career, he has worked domestically and internationally in various roles on both the client and agency side including Abbott Laboratories, Edelman, GCI, and W2O Group (now Real Chemistry). Geoff is a committed mentor and coach to young professionals and undergraduate college students and is an avid philanthropist committed to education equity and access.

He received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Lake Forest College and a Master of Arts from DePaul University in public relations and advertising. He recently completed the Leadership and Society Initiative fellowship at the University of Chicago. Geoff currently serves as a trustee for Lake Forest College and the Institute for Public Relations; is a member of the board of directors for the Illinois Biotechnology Innovation Organization (iBIO), and a member of the Page Society, Mixing Board, and the Public Relations Society of America. He previously served as chair of the board of directors of the Illinois Science and Technology Coalition. He served as a board member for the Child Restoration Outreach and Support Organization.